To many people, The Fair Deals (known to lawyers as the Nursing Home Support Scheme), seems very unfair indeed.   Whether elderly people should pay for their own nursing home care, and to what extent, or whether it should be paid for by the taxpayer is a complex political issue.  Elderly people are taxpayers too.  That is not an issue for legal practices because the law is as it is and solicitors have to work within it if they cannot find a way of working round it.  What I see in my own practice is that many people have difficulty in coping with the bureaucracy which assesses and implements the Fair Deals Scheme.  Most people will hopefully make a Fair Deals application only once in a lifetime, and that is not enough experience.  Solicitors working in the field, on the other hand, know how the system works.  Read my Bite Sized Blog here for 5 Things About Fair Deals which may surprise you.

If you are having trouble with a Fair Deals application you can email, click the call button, phone 014545138 or use the Contact Form.